Dead Sea, Jordan
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Dead Sea, Jordan
The depression
of the Dead Sea is from tectonic origin. It is one of the links of
the Rift Valley which stretches from Syria to Eastern Africa.
Located at 396 m under sea level, it is the lowest point of the
planet. Its maximum depth is 399 m. His mineral salt concentration
forbids there whole animal or plant life. Sea is only supplied by
the river Jordan and by some streams with irregular flows. Its level
has dropped for a few decades, because of the excessive pumping of
water from the Jordan river.
It is possible to bathe in the Dead Sea in the outlet
of small rivers, in which one we can rinse oneself with fresh water
then. The salts content of the Dead Sea being approximately seven
times more important than in the Mediterranean, to float poses no
problem there. The slightest wound or scratch will be immediately
felt. A shower is absolutely necessary while coming out of water.
The landscapes which border the Dead Sea are striking.
The desert slopes of the mountains come to be lost in a flat sea.
Mineral concretions form a white line along water.